How to Get the Spark Back

“Kiss her on the erogenous zones”
It happens to everyone. After you and your lady have been dating a while, the spark that used to be there seems to have disappeared. You both love each other, and no one is questioning that. But relationships can get boring when you do the same things all the time. Trying to get the spark back into your life together is not impossible, it only takes some effort.
Little Things Go a Long Way
Remember the little things that you used to do for her when you first started dating. Did you pick her flowers? Or get her favorite coffee or tea every Saturday? Maybe you would just leave your shirt on her side of the bed when you’d spend the night and have to leave early the next morning so she could smell your cologne. All of these things were super simple, and it doesn’t take anything to start doing them again. This is by far the easiest route to making things feel new again. If you can’t remember what you did that she loved then just ask her. It’s almost guaranteed that she has a whole list waiting for you. Pick a few and start doing them and then don’t stop. It doesn’t matter if it’s for the rest of your life. A coffee once a week does not cost that much and freshly picked flowers cost literally nothing but time.
Start Surprising Her Again

“Hug her while she is in the kitchen”
If she loves dancing then don’t be afraid to be spontaneous and take her out to a club over the weekend. It doesn’t matter if you’re older than everyone else or don’t fit in. You two will be there together even if things are a little awkward it could be something that you’d laugh about together later. Plus dancing with each other will promote bodily contact. You love her body; don’t be afraid to show it out on the dance floor.
Touch Her More Often
It doesn’t have to be sexual or overt. Put your hand on her back or stroke her arm when she’s doing the dishes. Holding her hand in the car or on a walk gives the feel of those late night dates where all that was important was being with her. And here’s what one woman told us about kissing your lady: “Give her more kisses. They’re not something you can do with just anyone and they feel wonderful, so why not add more of them into your life? Not just those quick pecks, but full sensuous kisses.” It’s proven that the more you touch her the more you will feel emotionally and the more you will love each other (or at least feel the love you already have).
It’s hard to remember way back when you were wild for each other. Things become comfortable and easy to go with the flow, but without that spark you used to have there’s more of a chance of breaking up. You love this woman, and she loves you. So put an effort into keeping the two of you together and happy.