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Why Didn’t Make It Onto Our “Top Canadian Online Dating” List? Read Our Review of
The one thing we can say for is that it’s honest.
It’s honest about the fact that there are almost no women on this site. Right at the top, you’ll see a statistical counter that logs how many people are members of this site.
Unfortunately, it’s honest about the fact that there are only 200,000 members total—and about 75 percent of those are male.

Fake ladies and too man adds here. Try these top dating sites and you will only get the real deals
Unless you want to compete with every man you’ve ever met for the love of a tiny percentage of the female population, you’re better off at almost any other site besides
Check Out What We Learned When We Tried For Online Dating
During our Flirtbox review, we sent out 420 emails to women. We only got 27 replies, which isn’t very surprising when you realize how few women there are and how many men. Honestly, we’re surprised we got any replies at all.
And Just Why Did We Decide Isn’t Worth It? Is A Scam?
The only place we’ve ever been with a worse ratio is a stitching and quilting class—and at least the ratio there was to our advantage. The inequality of is staggering, and you’ll never find a date with odds like that. Online dating is about being able to even the odds, not subject yourself to a bad ratio situation.
Our Review: Is Good For Online Dating in Canada?
Just because a website is free doesn’t mean it’s worth your time. Avoid and sign up for a far better site, like Xpress.
flirtbox is NOT a good site. you won’t get a single date on this site and that’s why i just have to leave a bad review for it. save your time and go elsewhere.
this site doesn’t really compare to anything good. it’s not a good site and it makes no attempt to be so seriously just pass this one up and move on
just full of scams and it’s pretty unapologetic about it. this site really doesn’t do it for me and i don’t imagine that it ever will. just not a good site
flirtbox is an ok site for online dating i guess? but it doesn’t really do the trick for me so i am not sure how much longer i will be staying on here
really doesn’t hit the mark for dating. it’s just not a good site and honestly i think it would be much better off shut down than anything
one of my lowest ratings goes to flirtbox. this is NOT a site that is good for dating at all, the women on here are all almost certainly fake
i’ve used a lot of personals sites and this one was on the very end of the list. just not good and not my pick in the slightest, don’t use it
so many reviews of this site are bad and for good reason. i don’t like this site and i don’t imagine myself ever really returning to it in the future
flirtbox is not a good dating site but i think it could be with some improvements. if they do that i will definitely be back to try it again
rarely do i like sites like this, and this one doesn’t do anything to change my mind. just pass this one up and you will be a lot happier in the long run
don’t even bother with this site at all. flirtbox is just one hot mess after another and it’s really not my pick of the bunch. pass on it, that’s why i’m leaving a review
just hard to compare this site to much of anything except crap to be honest. it’s not the best site out there at all and i am really not happy with the results
just full of scams. it’s really doesn’t make an attempt to help you meet women and it’s kind of a pain in the butt to use for the most part
not my pick for online dating but i guess that flirbox is ok? it just needs to be really cleaned up in order to make me want to come back for more
i have used a lot of dating sites and this one really just doesn’t do it for me at all. i can’t believe this one is still up and running, it’s NOT GOOD
of all the ratings i have handed out this one definitely gets the lowest. it’s just not a good site and it’s really not one i want to keep using, pass up flirtbox
not good at all. these personals are just full to the brim of fakes and it’s really not worth your time to try and weed through those! go to another site!
of all the reviews i’ve left this one gets the lowest ranked one for sure. it’s just not very good, lots of fakes running around on here, very hard to use
i think that for dating flirtbox is just kind of ok. it doesn’t really hit many good things for me so i don’t know if i will be back or not
rarely do i want to use sites like this and unfortunately this site has put me off of them for a long time. it’s not good at all and i don’t think i will be back
only review i can give to a site like flirtbox is a bad one. it’s just not a good site and i think that the women on here are all mostly fakes
it’s hard to compare this site to much of anything unless you are thinking about pure garbage. it’s just NOT a good site and i won’t be back
i won’t be using this site again after seeing how many scams are on it. the only good thing is that some of the fake profile pics are hot lol
for my online dating experience i think that flirtbox is ok it just kind of moves slow. i don’t really want to keep using it with that in mind
dating doesn’t really seem to compute with a site like this which is just pathetic. i won’t be using this one anymore in the future after realizing that
pass on this one, there’s a reason why it gets so many low ratings. flirtbox is just full of fake profiles and they will just scam you to death
of all the personals i had to pick i chose these which are REALLY not good. i wont’ be back to subject myself to this slow torture anymore that’s for sure
only reviews i can give a site like this are bad ones unfortunately. it just doesn’t live up to any hype and it’s not a good site at all
i think that flirtbox could be fun but right now it just kind of falls flat. i hope it cleans up to be a better dating experience in the future
sites like this are never good. this one is no exception and i definitely wont’ be back to use it again in the future, so just pass this one over
there is just nothing about flirtbox that is any good and that’s why i have to leave a review for it. pass on this site and you will be a lot better off
hard to compare a site like this to anything but trash to be honest. it’s just NOT my kind of site and it does NOT Help you find a date
pass on this one because there’s just nothing but scams all over this site. it’s not my pick at all and i will never be using this site again in the future
i’m not sure if anyone will ever fix the problems with flirtbox but i hope it happens soon. right now it’s just sort of mediocre for online dating and that’s sad
this site doesn’t work for dating at all. you won’t get a single date on here because you can’t even talk to the women, they’re mostly fakes
i think that flirtbox needs a LOT of work. the only ratings i can give it right now are bad ones and it deserves every single one of those. pass on this site!
only personals on this site belong to a lot of fakes and scammers. you won’t get a date on here, you’ll just end up annoyed and disappointed
i only want to leave bad reviews for this site unfortunately. it’s just not doing it for me and i cant’ imagine that it would really work for anyone else either
not my pick for a dating site but it’s not the worst either. flirtbox just really needs someone to nitpick and overhaul this site and it might be better
i don’t think sites like this usually last very long and if they’re run like this one is i’m not surprised. just pass this one up and move on to another one
i can only leave a bad review for a site like flirtbox, it’s just not good at all. the only women i’ve seen on this site are complete fakes and scam artists
don’t bother to try and compare this site to anything but utter crap. it’s full of fakes and makes no attempt to weed them out to make it better