Raising Your Appeal with Classic Books

“Read some famous classic novels in your free time”
In this age, it certainly feels like a guy’s got to do everything in order to look attractive to women. With so many different avenues that one could pursue in the effort to maximize their potential, it can be easy to neglect some aspects. One way to greatly raise your appeal in the meat market is to read some classic books.
Why Read Books? And Why Read Classic Books?
It might be good for conversation to tear through some bestsellers and get on the topical bandwagon of books. You think you’ll meet more women who are currently reading those books as compared to women who are still reading “To Kill a Mockingbird.” That’s true on the surface. However, one of the foundations of women who like to read is that, they like to read a lot, and at one point or another they would have read at least some of the many classic books that are part of the literary canon around the world.

“Reading classic books can get you a step closer to women”
Another good reason to read these classic books is that just by doing that, you seem like a more dedicated, cultured, and intelligent reader. Even a woman who hasn’t read “War and Peace” will be impressed with a man who has. These books will raise your profile with women who know you have read them no matter what; even a woman who doesn’t like to read herself will be interested in a man who has read these books and still seems so down to earth.
You only need to read four or five books and consider this as a time investment into getting lots of chicks. Then you can add your accomplishments to your online dating profiles, mention them on social networking sites, or simply slip references to them into your every day conversation. By this, you should start seeing some interest generated almost instantly.
Now, there are plenty of online lists that will show you the “Top 100 classic literature books,” so we won’t include a comprehensive list here. However, if you want to get more juicy plot out of these long, often dry reads, then stick to the science fiction novels from “Frankenstein” (yes, that’s science fiction) on to “1984” and works by Ray Bradbury, like “Fahrenheit 451.” These tend to have great creepy effects, and a more rousing plot with interesting characters than the classic literature books you may be thinking of.
Sooner or later, just about everything a single guy does has a hold in whether or not it would impress women. Break out the classic literature, and you definitely have a great deal of their attention. You look intelligent, sophisticated, and probably more down to earth and compassionate because you don’t let intellectualism go to your head. There is no downside to reading these books, and you can even dazzle your date when you point out how much these modern bestsellers are drawing on the groundwork laid down by classic novelists hundreds of years ago.