Stealing Her Away From a Bad Relationship

“Women in a bad relationship are looking for someone who can treat them well”
There’s nothing more upsetting than a guy to see the girl that he loves in a bad relationship. If you’re into a girl whose man is no good for her, then it’s time to step in. Especially if she’s being abused, you should take her away before it gets too severe – you’ll regret it if you don’t help out. If this describes you and the girl you like, then it’s time to be brave. Get close to her, figure out what the problem is, and let her know how you could do better than him. It’s better than watching her unhappy with the guy she’s with.
When to Move in and How

“Ask about the problems in her relationship by being her friend””
If she’s being abused, don’t stand for that at all. You have to take decisive action and get her away from that creep as soon as possible. The number one way to convince her into running away with you is to get into her good graces; first make her your friend and everything else will follow. Girls love nothing more than a sensitive guy who will listen to their problems, and a shoulder to lean on when they cry. Be all that and more, and you’ll have her in the palm of your hand in no time. After that, you can worm your ideas into her head with no problem. Just tell her that she deserves better, than to be unhappy, that there are plenty of guys who would love to be given the chance to treat her right, and that you’re there for her no matter what. An added bit of cuddling never hurts, and it’ll help her start thinking of you more romantically. Once you two are friends, she’ll tell you exactly what’s wrong with her relationship – use this to your benefit. Pick out all the things she complains about, and flip them around to suit you. For instance, if she complains about him never getting her presents, surprise her the next day with a cute stuffed animal or some candy. It’s a small gift that doesn’t have to mean much, but she’ll treasure it and realize that you’re a much sweeter guy than the one she’s with. It’s all about showing her that the grass really is greener on the other side – if she’s unhappy, she won’t be too hard to sway. Just keep talking yourself up subtly and she’ll get the hint soon. It’ll be no time at all until she’s leaving her man and running straight into your open arms.
Guys are attracted to girls in bad relationships; after all, who wouldn’t love saving a damsel in distress? In this age, bad relationships are more and more common, and women are more willing to talk about them as well as get out of them. Be there for your girl before you two get together. Don’t worry about being stuck in the friend zone – if you help her out of a bad relationship, that isn’t going to be an issue at all. She’ll be head over heels for you, guaranteed.