Online Dating Tip #1: Getting Noticed
The most common question we get by far from guys who want to get ahead on dating sites is, “Why am I not getting noticed?”

Yes, there are reasons you’re being ignored.
More than likely, you’ve done something in your profile that will drive a woman away. We’ll go through the most common mistakes that men make on dating sites, and help you figure out what you’ve done wrong, and how you can correct it.
Mistake #1: Your profile is hard to read.
If you’ve spent much time online, you’ll know that it’s a lot easier to read a short and fun list article than it is to read an article that’s just a block of text, one paragraph after another.
Yes, that applies to dating profiles as well. One of our most important dating tactics involves making your profile easy to read, and easy to skim through for a woman who’s just finding you for the first time.
When you email a woman, nine times out of ten, she’s going to click through to your profile to make sure that you’re someone she wants to spend her time responding to. If your profile is a weird, disorganized mess, she’s going to immediately click out.
Make sure that you only talk about the important things in your profile. Each section should have a maximum of three things in it; you don’t want to overwhelm her with a lot of excess information.
Yes, it’s fine to leave things out of your profile. Remember, you’re looking for a date, not a job interview. It’s fine if she has some stuff to discover on your first date, third date, and tenth date. It’s not going to make her ignore your profile if you’re a little bare-bones at first.
Mistake #2: Your pictures are difficult to search.
Surprisingly enough, it’s very common for men to upload a lot of pictures, but have no system for them whatsoever.
If a woman clicks through to your profile, you want to make sure that your pictures are easy to find, easy to search, and easy to see. You don’t want to give the impression that you’re trying to hide anything by muddying the waters.
Make sure you only have as many photos as you can comfortably organize. If the site allows photo folders, put them in folders. If it allows captions, make sure to use them.
Mistake #3: You don’t seem like a good person to know.
Here’s a dating tactic that will help you understand why women aren’t responding to your emails.
Before you start emailing women, read through your own profile. Don’t do it to see if your spelling and grammar are correct (though you should make sure to do that as well), but do it as if you were a woman looking for a potential person to contact about a date.
Would you date you?
If the answer is yes, then you probably seem like a good person to know. If not, you might want to clean up your profile a bit before you start inviting people over to see the stains.