Online Dating Tip #3: How to Get a Girl’s Phone Number
When you’re meeting women online, it can be difficult to know whether you’re talking to a real person or not. After all, dating site scams abound, and you want to make sure you’re protecting yourself.
A great way to make certain that you’re talking to a real girl is to get her phone number. That way you can hear her voice, and know that she’s not some ancient postman just out for a laugh by screwing you over and trying to get some money out of you, or wasting your time.
However, women can be very reticent about giving out their numbers to men, especially men they met online. Here are our favorite ways to get a girl’s phone number:
Make sure you’re approachable.
If you come across as a kind, easy-going sort of man, she’s going to be much more likely to give you her number. You don’t want to pressure her in any way, because that’s the number one worst way to make her feel like you’re someone she can trust with her number.
Be friendly when she approaches you, and don’t act like contact with her is the most important thing in your world.
Yes, it’s good to make sure she doesn’t think this is all that important to you.
This isn’t what a lot of people would call “gameplay.” You’re not trying to make her feel bad or anything by not coming right away when she sends you a message. You just want to make it obvious that you’re not looking for someone to be the center of your world right away, you’re looking to meet women and have a good time.
Offer to give her your number instead.
One of the most important things about meeting women online is making sure she doesn’t feel stressed or afraid about interacting with you, either online or offline.
Yes, this seems like a lot of work for something that should be obvious. No, not every guy is a dangerous asshole, and we’re not saying that he is, or that all women think this way.
However, a lot of women do get skittish very easily around men they meet online, and it’s pretty easy to make sure that they don’t get skittish around you, so make the extra effort. It’s worth it in the long run and in the short run, and even when you’re just trying to get a girl’s number.
Offer to give her your number instead. She won’t feel pressured, and if she calls, it’s because she wants to. Make sure that you don’t just GIVE it to her, either. Ask her if she’d like to have it, just in case she feels like contacting you in a faster way than through a dating email system.
Offer to meet her somewhere offline.
If you offer to meet a girl offline, you’ll have a much better excuse to try to get her number than if you just want it. This way, you don’t have to say something like, “I just want to hear your voice to make sure you’re not trying to pull a fast one on me.”
If you meet her in somewhere public, you’ll need her number in order to contact her and see where she is, and to help you find her. This is something to keep in mind when you’re wondering how to ask her numbers, and can be a great way to take things to the next step in your budding relationship without her thinking you’re creepy.