How to Find the Real Deal And Avoid General Dating Scams
If you’ve been on the Internet for more than ten minutes, you’ve probably heard of the Nigerian Scam.
This is a scam where someone (occasionally claiming to be a Nigerian Prince, but there are many variations) claims to have an excess amount of money that they need to move out of the country. In exchange for your “help,” he will give you some cut of the funds that he’s moving—and he needs your bank account to do it.
Obviously, this scam is pretty easy to detect for anyone with a brain. You know not to give your bank account to anyone online, or in person, for that matter, and it seems too obvious even to mention.
They use it because it’s obvious.
Some high-level criminals that have been persecuted for using scams like this have admitted that it’s because it’s so obnoxiously obvious that they use the Nigerian Prince format for their scams. They claim that only the truly gullible will buy the story—and those are the ones they want to reach.
Dating scams aren’t so obvious.
Dating scams in Canada are especially much more subtle these days. You don’t want to deal with these, because they’re much worse than the ones you’re used to seeing.
These sites don’t aim to get all of your money in one go. Instead, they’re much more focused on pay-per-click advertisements and selling your time to their sponsors.
Yes, we’re talking about free dating sites.
These sites are scams, but since they’re free and technically don’t cost you anything to use, very few people bother to report them. While it’s true that you can occasionally meet someone good on a free dating site, you’re a lot more likely to be scammed out of something important to you, like your valuable time and patience.
When you spend all of your time on a dating site fending off scams and wading through spam, you’re not going to want to spend a lot of time on that site for very long. You’re also giving that website the clicks and presence it needs in order to sell advertisements for a huge price. Sometimes those ads are the obtrusive flashing banner types, and sometimes they’re a spam email that gets sent out to literally every person online.
If they get even a fraction of a percent of the people on your site to click on that site, just to see what the fuss is all about, they’ve won. They get all the money they want, and they never get held accountable for their actions or for their crimes.
Real dating sites are much cleaner.
When you use a real dating site, you don’t have to worry about romance scams. These sites are all about one thing, and one thing only: putting you into contact with women. We’ve tested all of the sites on our page, so you can be sure that all the sights we have recommended are real.
They don’t have to sell you a product at every turn, because they’ve already sold it—you’ve already become a member of their website. Their only way to keep you coming back and paying again is to make it a great website, so they have every reason to make your experience a good one.
This is not to say that every paid site is good. However, every free site IS essentially trash.