Don’t Just Cook FOR Her, Cook WITH Her

“Have fun cooking together”
Cooking for your girl is one of the sweetest and most appreciated things you can do for her. If you know her favorite foods, you can cook whatever foods she loves the most. You don’t have to be a professionally-trained chef to impress her, just have the capability to cook most things and follow a recipe. Even if the food ends up being terrible, she’ll be impressed that you simply made the effort to make her something that she enjoyed. Cooking for her is cute, but making a date night out of it and cooking with her is even better. If it’s possible, she’ll be even more impressed by the idea that you want to cook with her because it’s considerate and a great way for her to have fun with you. Instead, she’d just be sitting waiting for you to finish cooking for her and she might get bored. With this, you’ll be having fun right next to each other the whole time, and you can feed each other samples in between preparing the food.
What You Can Cook

“She’ll love you for being in the kitchen with her”
Cooking with her can be something as elaborate as a full meal, or something as simple as a desert you’d like to share. You’re guaranteed to have a ton of fun deciding what to make and flipping through recipe books at the library. If there are any disagreements on what to cook, you could always make both things. Who says you can’t? It’s probably going to get messy, but you’ll end up loving it. Do you remember all those movies with the couples getting in miniature food fights when they cook together? Well, that can be your reality if you cook with your girlfriend. You won’t ever be too far away from her and you’ll brush up against her every once in a while and steal a kiss, because unless your kitchen is restaurant sized, there probably isn’t too much space to move around in.
A Prelude to Domesticity?
If you are thinking that you might want to get serious with this girl, cooking with her is also going to be a good indicator of how well you’ll work in a domestic setting. To get the ingredients, you’ll have to go shopping for groceries unless you already have everything, which is one of the most domestic things out there. If that goes well for you, then congratulations, the two of you are probably going to do just fine when you move in together for a serious, long-term relationship. If cooking together goes smoothly as well, and you’re both able to share the chore of cleaning up afterwards (trust us, no matter how careful you are, if you’re working hard and having fun, there will be a mess), then you’re all set to go ahead and consider yourself okay to proceed to serious relationship status if everything else works as well. It’s a little unbelievable that cooking with her could tell you something as heavy as that, but in a lot of cases, it can.