Overcoming First-Date Doubts

“Having unnecessary worries might ruin your date”
If you really like a girl and really want to impress her, the first date is your one chance where you have to make a good impression. Women seem to remember every little thing that’s ever happened, so if you mess up this one date, you might have to say goodbye to any chance of a future relationship. That’s a heavy burden to place on your shoulders, right? First dates are nerve-wracking even if you have been on a hundred first dates with other girls before and that’s completely okay. The key is learning how to overcome them and push your mind into a way of thinking about the date that’s a little less worrisome.
Pre-Date Jitters
Before the date, you’ll probably start doubting yourself. You’ll start worrying that she only agreed to go out with you out of pity or just because she was bored. Chances are, she didn’t. Contrary to popular belief, women don’t agree to go out with guys because of pity. If she said yes when you asked her out, she wants to go out with you, So don’t doubt yourself. She’s definitely into you if she agreed to go on a date. There’s always the inevitable worry even if you picked a date spot that she’ll enjoy. That’s simple to solve. If you didn’t make reservations or buy tickets already, ask her when you pick her up. Let her know that you were considering a particular spot, but if she wants to do something else then you’re totally up for suggestions. It keeps things laid-back and gives her the option to choose. Every woman wants her opinion heard and to feel like she’s being listened to. There’s no reason to doubt yourself. You’ve got everything under control.
Post-Date Doubts

“If she was happy at the end then it means that your date went well”
Then, there are the inevitable doubts after the date is over. If nothing happened beyond the two of you going out, you’ll come home and start worrying that you didn’t show her a good time. You were probably smiling ear-to-ear as you walked in your home and set your car keys and wallet down, but by the time you’re getting ready to go to bed you’re stuck worrying if she’ll even agree to go out with you again. No matter how confident you are, it seems like this type of post-first date self-consciousness is completely normal. Girls seem to have a way of making you care about things you wouldn’t think you would ever care about. Chances are, if you didn’t spend the entire dinner talking about your extensive stamp collection or boring her by telling her every single conversation you had at work that day, she enjoyed herself and will be willing to go out with you again. You’ll know if she was bored during the date, because she’ll be in a hurry to go home. If she didn’t ask you to rush her home and instead acted like it was kind of a shame she had to go home, she was into it and you have nothing to worry about.