Dating Tips, Advice, and Website Reviews
Are you ready for a date?

You aren’t going to get one by the ways you’ve always heard men get dates—finding them at bookshops and through the friend of a friend. You have to look at where these women really are, and go to THEM. That means you have to start looking online!
We have tried and true dating tips that we’re going to share with YOU.
We’ve used them ourselves, so you know they’re real and they actually work. If they didn’t, we wouldn’t be able to have the dating success that we do on a regular basis.
These tips work.
You can flip through our list of tips, you can go through each individual guide, or you can look at all of the in-depth reviews of Canadian dating websites that we’ve collected and compiled for you.
We put these together because we WANT you to succeed. We’ve had to go about it the hard way ourselves, because we were basically floundering around in the dark with no one to tell us how to use dating sites and which tips and tricks worked in Canada.
We’ve figured it out—and we’re sharing it with you.
Our dating tips are meant to be used, not hoarded away. Yes, we’re actually giving you our best secrets, so don’t worry that we’re trying to keep all the beautiful women to ourselves. In fact, it’s just the opposite.
When most men use dating websites without knowing what they’re doing, the common courses of action drive women away. They tell their friends that men on dating sites are crude and not to be trusted, and pretty soon, there are far fewer women who want to try to use dating sites.
We don’t think it has to be that way.
The better most men do on dating websites, the more women will tell their friends that they’re having great success. Their friends will sign up, THEY’LL be looking for dates, and before long, everyone wins.
We’ve compiled our tips and tricks into several easy-to-follow guides that you can look through at your leisure. We have guides to everything from finding a date to spotting scams, from starting a conversation to where to take her for your very first date.
We’ve got you covered.
You don’t have to worry that you can’t get started on online dating because you’re nervous about how to act, or how you’re going to behave. You have to approach online dating as if it’s the most natural, carefree thing in the world, and we’ll help you get there.
By the time you finish reading our guides, you’ll be fully equipped to go out there and conquer the dating world. In fact, we recommend that you keep these guides close at hand for the entire time you’re on dating sites. You can always come back to them, and use them as a guideline for any unexpected or undesirable situations that might come up.
These guides are made of our personal experiences.
We spent countless hours of our own time conceiving and revising our strategies, making sure that these will work for ANYONE who wants to find a date in Canada.
Our dating advice for singles comes from the best place we can imagine: our own success. We’ve discovered the secrets to having women respond well to our advances, and we want you to have the same success.
Here are our top guides for how to find a date in Canada:
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If You Need A Date, We’ve Got You Covered We’ll help you learn where you can find a date, how to find a date in Canada specifically, and how to make this the best date you’ve ever had in your life. You don’t need to waste your time on sites that won’t get you results, you need to know the best tips and tricks now! |
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We Explain How to Spot a Scam You don’t have to worry about getting scammed online through dating sites if you know how to spot the worst offenders. We’ll show you how to make sure you’re not going to get taken for a ride just because you want to go out on a date with a beautiful woman! |
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How to Find the Real Deal and Avoid General Dating Scams We’ll show you how to avoid the biggest scams that are taking over Canadian dating sites these days, and make sure you’re protected against them. Even better, we’ll make sure you’ll see how to tell whether a site is a GOOD one that won’t waste your time! |
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How to Use Dating Sites: EXPLAINED We’ll teach you exactly what the masters do on dating sites that’s so different from how most men use them. You don’t need to be stuck as the one that doesn’t know what he’s doing. You can be the guy that gets the most responses of the most quality |
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Profiles That WORK The most important part of setting up your account on a dating site is your profile. We’ll show you how to make it work for you, so you can avoid wasting your time with a lame profile. Learn how to bring women IN, instead of driving them all away. |
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Online Dating Tip #1: Getting Noticed We’ll show you the BIGGEST MISTAKES men make on their profiles and in their emails that mean women won’t give them a second chance. You’ll be sure to get a response to all of your emails after you take this guide to heart. Take our tips today! |
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Online Dating Tip #2: How to Start a Conversation We know that starting a conversation online can be very intimidating. We alsoknow exactly what you can talk about and how to do it so you don’t get frightened off. Read this guide, and never feel like you’re incapable of starting a conversation again. |
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Online Dating Tip #3: How to Get A Girl’s Phone Number We’ll show you how to move from the first email message to the first contact with her phone, QUICKLY. This will get you out of “dating site guy” territory as soon as possible, which is what you want! |
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Three Rules of the First Date If you’re nervous about your first date with a new lady, this guide will show you how to navigate those murky waters. We break it down to the three basic rules of Canadian dating so you won’t feel stressed or stranded during your first in-person encounter. |
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Top Three First Date Locations We’ll help you pick a GREAT spot for your first date, no matter where you are in Canada. There’s no great date that starts in a crappy place, so pay close attention. |
If you can’t pick up a woman with all of these at your disposal, you’re probably not looking in the right place: visit our reviews page to find the best places to meet Canadian women online.